Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cheaper MicroSD 8GB at Amazon

When first released, you have to pay about $150 for single thumbnail sized MicroSD 8GB. But now the prices is going cheaper at about $130 at Amazon. With 8GB MicroSD, you have phone with same capacity with Nokia N81, Nokia N95, or SE W960i :)

Here The MicroSD 8GB technical details:
- High storage capacity (8GB) for storing essential digital content such as high quality photos, videos, music and more
- SanDisk microSDHC 8GB card ships with Bonus MobileMateTM Micro Reader
- Speed performance rating: Class 4 (based on SD 2.00 Specification)
- High Quality microSDHC card backed by 5 year limited warranty

But if 8GB is too big for you, the smaller on has price drop too.

Here the newest prices for MicroSD at Amazon:
MicroSD 8GB : $129
MicroSD 6GB : $63.49
MicroSD 4GB : $37.05
MicroSD 2GB : $14.98
