Going for a business device doesn't mean missing great photo opportunities. Steve from AAS took a few moments out this month to snap some of the colourful Autumn and to see what the Nokia E90's 3 megapixel camera could really do. It's not an N95, but it's close.
Like Steve said, "The Nokia E90 is unique at the moment in that it's the only business-focussed communicator/smartphone in the world that also has a camera capable of decent results. This is important, I feel, because despite the elegance of (for example) Nokia's separate Nseries and Eseries ranges, aimed at consumer/multimedia and enterprise respectively, there are a great many people who want the best of both worlds and, despite its well documented faults, the Nokia E90 is the best of the two devices that straddle the great divide (the HTC Kaiser tries hard but its camera isn't quite as good).
But what sort of images can the Nokia E90 take? What are its limits? What sort of quality might you hope for? In the gallery below, I hope to answer these questions. Importantly, the JPG image files linked to are the E90-shot originals, un-retouched, with all original EXIF headers intact, to prove that I haven't doctored anything."
Go to the image gallery